Friday, July 27, 2018

Raymond Brown and John 3:13


Duncan said...

Jn 3:13 “son of man” (p66, p75, Sinaiticus, Vaticanus, Sahidic Coptic, Fayyumic Coptic, some Georgian, Diatessaron, today: NIV, Wuest, NASB, UNASB, RSV, NRSV) vs. “son of man who is in Heaven” (5 words) (perhaps original Alexandrinus, Byzantine Lectionary vs. “son of God who is in Heaven” Italic, Curetonian Syriac, Palatine Syriac, Armenian, Ethiopic, some Georgian, Chrysostom today: KJV, NKJV, Green, NIV footnote, RSV footnote)

Edgar Foster said...

Please also see

For past discussions we've had about John 3:13. The preponderance of evidence suggests it is not original to John's Gospel.