The following is from an email I wrote to a colleague some time ago.
I quote Augustine of Hippo:
"But what if I love none except myself? Will there not
then be two things--that which I love, and love? For
he who loves and that which is loved are the same when
any one loves himself; just as to love and to be
loved, in the same way, is the very same thing when
any one loves himself. Since the same thing is said,
when it is said, he loves himself, and he is loved by
himself. For in that case to love and to be loved are
not two different things: just as he who loves and he
who is loved are not two different persons. But yet,
even so, love and what is loved are still two things.
For there is no love when any one loves himself,
except when love itself is loved. But it is one thing
to love one's self, another to love one's own love.
For love is not loved, unless as already loving
something; since where nothing is loved there is no
love. Therefore there are two things when any one
loves himself--love, and that which is loved. For then
he that loves and that which is loved are one. Whence
it seems that it does not follow that three things are
to be understood wherever love is" (De Trinitate
Augustine then proceeds with an argument about mind
and love to establish his case for the triunity of
God. But notice that he insists it is possible for one to
have a love of self in the absence of an alterior
Sporadic theological and historical musings by Edgar Foster (Ph.D. in Theology and Religious Studies and one of Jehovah's Witnesses).
"Himself or Herself"??? Schmoself!!! "For God so loved God's world, that He or She or It gave His or Hers or Its only GodChild, that whosoever should believeth in GodChildSelf should not perish but have Inagaddadavida Godspell baby."