Saturday, June 06, 2020

Some of My Latest Acquisitions


  1. Some of the works put me in mind of
    Still trying to get my head around what might or might not be achievable.

  2. Thanks, I tried accessing the link but had trouble. However, I believe that I was still able to get the relevant info.

  3. One thing that has always influenced me before I even began considering textual/philological questions is the reasoning that if there is a God, who inspired the Bible--i.e., if the Bible is God's spoken Word--then why would Jehovah God not take active steps to preserve his Word? Surely Almighty God can make sure we have the Bible substantially as it was written, can't he?

  4. petitio principii ?

    Hebrews 4:12, contextually, is it talking about a book?

  5. First, Heb. 4:12 is not technically speaking about a book, but rather, God's spoken word to Israel. Second, what I'm suggesting is not begging the question. I framed my thesis as a set of conditional statements. In other words:

    1) if G, then B.
    2) if B, then (possibly) P.
    3) Therefore, if G, then P.

    As you know Sir F. Kenyon also wrote that we can rely on the written word of God. There is also a sound basis for speaking of the holy writings as God's word.

  6. Hi Edgar. Is there anything on 1 John 5:7-8 (Comma Johanneum) in your new acquisitions you'd like to share? (Perhaps a few posts etc)

  7. Hi Weedhacker, I've been working my way through these books and others, but if there's anything about 1 John 5:7-8, then it would be in Wallace or in Hixson/Gurry.
