Monday, June 03, 2024

Job Was Chaste (Modified Talk)-Job 31

James 3:17 states that divine wisdom (the wisdom from above) is first of all "chaste" or clean. As we consider Job's example of chasteness tonight, our focus will be on moral and spiritual chasteness. Furthermore, we'll focus on chastity when it comes to our personal behavior and entertainment choices. So let's consider how Job remained chaste, then discuss how we can imitate his example.

Job 31:1 (read):
Job made a covenant with his eyes. The Insight book gives this definition for "covenant": "An agreement between two or more persons to do or refrain from doing some act; a compact; a contract." We could equally define covenant as a binding or solemn agreement. The point is that covenant-making is serious; it is not something that we should take take lightly.

Job concluded a contract with his eyes; he refused to look improperly at another woman. Job recognized the strong link between seeing and desiring.

How can imitate Job?

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We too can strike a covenant with our eyes by making a firm resolve to avoid looking at others improperly and we can avoid pornography, which is implicitly designed to stir up improper desire via the eyes.

A second way that we can remain chaste is found in Job 31:2-3 (read).

We need to think about the potential consequences of our actions. Notice the powerful question that Job posed in verse 3.

Before violating Jehovah's laws on fornication or his principles on viewing unclean entertainment, we could ask ourselves, what are the potential consequences of committing porneia? Some of the bad results could be sexually transmitted diseases, unwanted pregnancies, abortions, ruined relationships, a guilty conscience and a damaged relationship with Jehovah. Like Job, we need to think seriously about the potential consequences of our actions. Are a few minutes of pleasure worth losing our eternal inheritance?

To further assist us, Job mentions a final safeguard in Job 31:4 (read).

The eyes of Jehovah are everywhere (Proverbs 15:3). If we keep this attitude, it can be a protection for us. Whether at school, at work or alone at home, may we always remember that Jehovah considers our steps and he can read our hearts. 

Job's example teaches us how to remain chaste. An essential part of keeping clean is making a firm resolve to avoid impropriety with our eyes. In line with Job, Jesus later warned that anyone who keeps on looking at a woman so as to have passion for her in his heart has already committed adultery in his heart (Matthew 5:28). This scripture reveals that chastity is not just a matter of the mind, but it's a heart matter as well. By imitating Job, we'll be happier and experience the joy of pleasing Jehovah our God. 

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous4:58 PM

