Thursday, July 25, 2024

Link for Open Access Book About Justin Martyr and His Dialogue With Trypho


Many thanks to a reader and friend (Roman) for alerting me and others to this book.

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Revelation 1:3 (Rogers and Rogers Comments)

Greek: μακάριος ὁ ἀναγινώσκων καὶ οἱ ἀκούοντες τοὺς λόγους τῆς προφητείας καὶ τηροῦντες τὰ ἐν αὐτῇ γεγραμμένα, ὁ γὰρ καιρὸς ἐγγύς.

"Blessed is he that readeth and they that hear the words of this prophecy and keep those things which are written therein for the time is at hand" (Revelation 1:3 KJV)

Friday, July 19, 2024

anadiplosis in James 1:3-4

Greek: γινώσκοντες ὅτι τὸ δοκίμιον ὑμῶν τῆς πίστεως κατεργάζεται ὑπομονήν·ἡ δὲ ὑπομονὴ ἔργον τέλειον ἐχέτω, ἵνα ἦτε τέλειοι καὶ ὁλόκληροι, ἐν μηδενὶ λειπόμενοι.

Definition for anadiplosis: "repetition in the first part of a clause or sentence of a prominent word from the latter part of the preceding clause or sentence, usually with a change or extension of meaning."

See also James 1:19-20; 26-27. 

In James 1:3-4, the prominent word is "endurance" (ὑπομονήν and ἡ ὑπομονὴ)


Richard A. Lanham. A Handlist of Rhetorical Terms. Berkeley, Los Angeles, and London: University of California Press, 1991. Second Edition, Page 10.

Friday, July 12, 2024

Articles About Psalm 2:7 (Eternal Generation?)

Some Trinitarians attempt to invoke Psalm 2:7 as proof for their eternal generation doctrine. However, when the verse is read in context, this application of scripture to a doctrine seems like one big stretch. 

For some informative discussions, see the following:

Thursday, July 11, 2024

Ephesians 3:11-"Eternal Purpose"?

Two definitions given for the word "purpose" are:

A) "the reason for which something exists or is done, made, used, etc."

Synonyms: target, objective, object, rationale, point

B) "an intended or desired result; end; aim; goal."


Jehovah's Witnesses believe that Jehovah God has an eternal purpose: he initially made the earth to be inhabited by righteous people. That was his original telos. But although Adam and Eve sinned and that purpose has not been realized yet, we believe it will be fulfilled since God's word cannot return to him "void" and God cannot lie (Isaiah 55:10-11; Titus 1:2; Hebrews 6:18). However, some have criticized this way of framing, articulating, and thinking about what God does, is doing, and will do. Hence, do Witnesses have a sound basis for believing that God has an eternal purpose?

Ephesians 3:11 in Greek: κατὰ πρόθεσιν τῶν αἰώνων ἣν ἐποίησεν ἐν τῷ χριστῷ Ἰησοῦ τῷ κυρίῳ ἡμῶν,

C.H. Talbert writes (Ephesians and Colossians, pp. 99-100):

"This divine purpose—the reunification of the cosmos—now made known to the unruly powers is an eternal purpose, which he accomplished by means of the Christ, Jesus our Lord (en tō Christō, understood instrumentally, that is, by his death; Hoehner 2002, 464), by means of whom (en hō, understood instrumentally) we continually have boldness and access with confidence (cf. Heb 4:16; 10:19) through his faithfulness (3:11–12; pisteōs autou understood as a subjective genitive, thus Christ’s faithfulness; Foster 2002)."

Other commentaries and sources likewise point out that Ephesians 3:11 is talking about an eternal purpose formed in Christ or a purpose of the ages. Compare Genesis 3:15; Galatians 3:16. We have good reason for believing that God long ago formed an eternal purpose that will be fulfilled. 

Tuesday, July 09, 2024