Sunday, January 12, 2020

John Durham Remarks for Exodus 33:18

Here is one perspective concerning Exodus 33:18:

The request of Moses to see the glory of Yahweh is effectively a request that Yahweh demonstrate the reality of his promise to be present, indeed that he prove his Presence once again, as he did before the solemnization of the covenant that has since been shattered. “glory” in this context is very close to a synonym for “face, Presence,” as the ensuing narrative shows. Neither term is intended to suggest “human features,” as Eichrodt (Theology of the OT 2:29– 40; cf. also Davies, “Glory,” IDB 2:401– 2; Westermann, Wort-Gebot-Glaube, 227– 49 and “,” THAT 1:801– 12) has shown.

Durham, Dr. John I. Exodus, Volume 3 (Word Biblical Commentary) (p. 503). Zondervan Academic. Kindle Edition.

It's worth reading Durham's comments in their entirety.

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