Wednesday, October 12, 2022

Courageous King Asa

Out of all the ancient Judean kings that ruled in the land of Judah, Asa was one of the few to show godly devotion. Something else that set Asa apart was his courage and determination to obey Jehovah's laws. Are we courageous like Asa was?

But exactly how did King Asa display courage? In what particular ways did he show loyalty and devotion to Jehovah?

Read 1 Kings 15:11-12.

Asa defended pure worship, but to what extent? He imitated David his forefather by obeying Jehovah even if it meant removing all the "disgusting idols" and temple prostitutes that his forefathers had established. By his time, it seems that the royal court had become spiritually polluted with fertility gods since according to 2 Chronicles 14:2-3, the king “removed the foreign altars and the high places and broke up the sacred pillars and cut down the sacred poles.” Asa removed idols and turned the people back to pure worship: this was one way that he displayed courage.

Another way that Asa demonstrated courage is when it came to family ties. Some people say that blood is thicker than water: family comes first. However, was this Asa's attitude?

Read 1 Kings 15:13

Did you notice what came first for Asa? He was willing to remove his grandmother Maacah from her position as queen mother since she made and worshiped an obscene idol; Asa removed his grandmother and demolished her idol. So he did not put family first but rather courageously stuck to Jehovah's way of doing things. He was willing to put Jehovah above family (cf. 1 Kings 15:9-10).

Are we willing to imitate Asa when it comes to our family ties? What if one of our relatives decides to leave Jehovah? Are we willing to cut ties with someone who does not want to serve the true God? See 1 Corinthians 5:9-13; 2 John 9-10.

Despite Asa's good intentions and overall godly course of life, he still made mistakes: Asa was imperect like the rest of us. Read 1 Kings 15:14, 23.

Asa apparently let the high places in Judah remain where idol worship regularly took place, but his good qualities and freedom from apostasy evidently outweighed his mistakes, so Asa is viewed as one of the faithful kings of the line of Judah. The Bible says he served Jehovah with a complete heart all of his life--that is how Jehovah viewed him. Out of the many kings of Judah, Asa stood out as a faithful and courageous servant of God.

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