Wednesday, December 21, 2022

Training Children in the Ways of Jehovah (Modified Talk)

There is no greater gift that parents could give children than to train them in Jehovah's ways: no material gift or form of secular education is able to surpass a good relationship with our creator. However, what does it take for parents to bring up children who truly love Jehovah? Please turn to Deuteronomy 6:5

Jehovah told the ancient Israelites that they had to cultivate love for him first in their own hearts before they could teach their children how to love God. Parents should love Jehovah with their whole being as Deuteronomy directs. How can parents do that? By studying God's Word consistently and by meditating on what they learn. In this way, our children will notice what we love to talk about in our daily conversations: spiritual things. What we're learning from God's Word will just flow freely from our heart (Luke 6:45), and it will play a large part in the development of our children's spirituality.

A second point is found in Deuteronomy 6:6 (read) In addition to study and meditation, parents need to set a good example by applying Bible principles. From the time they're infants, children closely observe their parents and learn from them. They see what the values and interests of a parent are, then make those values and interests their own. Children are good at discerning parental love for Jehovah. For instance, we could say that we love Jehovah, but children look for tangible signs of such love like study, meeting attendance, and the field ministry. If we apply God's commandments, our love for Jehovah will be evident to our children.

A third way to train our children is expressed in Deuteronomy 6:7 (read) When should we discuss Jehovah and biblical truths with our children? As Deuteronomy implies, it could be when we do chores together, travel together or while we relax. Does this mean that we constantly lecture our children? No, but we can speak upbuilding spiritual words to them and point out wondrous aspects of Jehovah's creation and teach them about the variety in creation. Furthermore we can be thankful that Jehovah's organization has provided a wealth of information to help parents train their children. For instance, the Awake! magazine covers numerous subjects that are beneficial for young ones. Using the Awake! and other spiritual resources may help our children to develop their own appreciation for publications of the faithful and discreet slave.


aservantofJEHOVAH said...

I have to say that the comments for today's text felt like they were directed toward me personally,and it's not the first time that's happened.

Edgar Foster said...

I agree. This has happened to me more than once. The daily texts are spiritual treasures.

Anonymous said...
