Thursday, August 01, 2024

Once Threads Close (Mod Note)

Greetings all,

I'm going to post some comments from Nincsnevem to a thread that just closed this morning. However, in the future, I will be less amenable to adding comments once threads close. I try to keep these discussions focused on the OP, but they inevitably glide into other subjects. 
However, that is not what I desire. 

Best regards, 


aservantofJEHOVAH said...

Nincsnevem said...

Since it is not possible to comment on aservantofJEHOVAH's blog due to some technical error or wrong setting, here is my answer:

aservantofJEHOVAH said...

Strange that no one else seems to be having trouble commenting on my blog.

aservantofJEHOVAH said...

Nincsnevem said...

I tried it with several different browsers and with several settings, even from a phone, it gives the same error:

"Unable to sign in to comment. Please check your browser configurations to allow sign-in. Learn more."

Anonymous said...

Steps to take:
Clear cache
Clear cookies
Click “learn more”

Nincsnevem said...

@Anon: tried all these

aservantofJEHOVAH said...

Once you have a Google account and use your Google ID you will have no problem.

aservantofJEHOVAH said...

I can't help but notice that Mr.nevem allows no commenting on his blog.

Nincsnevem said...

I obviously have a Google ID, since I comment here on Mr. Foster's blog with it

Anonymous said...

Ninc - export your bookmarks etc and reset the browser

Anonymous said...

Relogging is another less extreme option - what browser?
Iv heard some with inbuilt vpns cause issues, but cannot verify as I haven’t had an issue personally and cannot find a credible source for it online.

aservantofJEHOVAH said...

Why would this setting affect a particular Google ID and not others?

aservantofJEHOVAH said...

People are commenting on my channel why would Google single you out?

Edgar Foster said...

Just a reminder that once threads close, they will not be opened again. Comments must be made under the appropriate threads. Thank you.

Nincsnevem said...