Sunday, January 13, 2019

Sibylline Oracles 2.95-96 (Wine, Blood, and Things Sacrificed to Idols)

Orac. Sib. 2.95-96: "Do not damage your mind with wine or drink to excess. Do not eat blood. Abstain from what is sacrificed to idols."

One could tentatively date the Sibylline Oracles from circa 150 BCE to circa 180 CE.

Milton Terry translation: "Disable not Thy mind with wine nor drink excessively. Eat not blood, and abstain from things Offered to idols."


Duncan said...

Sibylline Oracles vs Sibylline Books?

Weren't the earlier Sibylline Books destroyed?

Duncan said...

Edgar Foster said...

You're right, Duncan. There is a difference between the two.

Philip Fletcher said...

My question is, it is a practice at that time to use the same name and appear to be the same person could this be the case with these 2 Sibylline?

Edgar Foster said...

Yes, the Oracles are likely (as far as we know) pseudonymous.