Thursday, May 07, 2020

Important Biblical Dates: Do You Remember What Happened and When?

These are the dates given in Witness publications. Some of them may coincide with secular dating.

1037 BCE-
997 BCE-
ca. 740 BCE-
632 BCE-
607 BCE-
539 BCE-
537 BCE-
515 BCE-
455 BCE-
323 BCE-
167-164 BCE-


Anonymous said...

This kind of supports 607 BCE

Edgar Foster said...

Thanks, and maybe somebody better than me can make use of that material. My browser does not like the website because it's unsecured, but I remember following a debate about VAT4956 some years go. A few Witness brothers invested a lot of time in the issue: maybe it's the same one who put together that page. Cheers. :-)