Thursday, August 12, 2021

Revelation As Prophecy and Epistolary Literature (Jurgen Roloff)

Thus a central characteristic feature of primitive Christian prophecy is found again in Revelation. It was incumbent on the prophets, who still played an important role in the life of the church in the first century, to announce to the churches the will of the exalted Lord, revealed to them by the Spirit, as a binding, shaping message for the life and conduct of believers. This announcement occurs in Revelation in written form-specifically, in the form of a letter, which since Paul bore a particular authoritative claim. In summary, Revelation is a prophetic writing that contains numerous apocalyptic motifs and elements of style, but whose form is chiefly characterized by the purpose of epistolary communication.
Jurgen Roloff. Revelation (Continental Commentary Series) (Kindle Locations 180-184). Kindle Edition.

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