Friday, May 20, 2022

Is Wine in the Bible Really Just Grape Juice?

From time to time, I come across the claim that wine in the Bible was really grape juice. If that's true, then please explain:

1. How Noah got intoxicated by drinking grape juice? (Genesis 9:20-21)

2. Why does Proverbs 31:6-7 advise that people about to die should be given "wine" in order to make them forget their troubles? Compare Proverbs 31:4-5.

3. Is Habbakuk 2:15-16 also talking about grape juice? It's a strange warning if that's the case.

4. What about the warning in Prov 23:20-21, 29-35? If it's grape juice, why the need to warn against drunkenness?

This is not to mention that Paul told Timothy not to appoint an older man who is a lover of wine.

See Ezekiel 44:21.




Duncan said...

Biblical wine is just grape juice, fermented grape juice ;)

They did not seem to be into beer like the Egyptians. In old England beer was part of a standard weekly wage for many & it was the only way to avoid stomach bugs. Wine was far too expensive.

Edgar Foster said...

Interesting point about beer as a wage. It seems to me that if the "wine" was fermented grape juice, then it was not "just" grape juice :)

In an y case, the net effect is the same. See Genesis 19:33. Lot had some potent fermented grape juice as did Noe.

Duncan said...

Not "just" Marula Fruit :)

Duncan said...

Edgar Foster said...

The monkeys know where it's at! 😂

One of the most interesting things I ever tried was rice vodka from Vietnam. Boy did it burn.