Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Pondering Genesis 28:11-12 (Ladder, Stairs, Ramp)

Looking at Genesis 28:11-12 again, it's funny how new details become salient each time and things become clearer with one more read. The word normally translated "ladder" (sullam) in that account could be rendered "stairway" or ramp. Moreover, the ladder/stairway could have been made from stone steps.

Another important detail is that Jehovah (YHWH) possibly was at the top of the ladder on which angels ascended and descended (Genesis 28:13) or others understand the text to say YHWH was beside Jacob. The Hebrew allows for different renderings, but I still have my reservations about the idea that Jacob beheld a heavenly sanctuary at the top of the ladder. Of course, he was having a dream/vision, which is another thing to keep in mind.


Duncan said...

Duncan said...

Brenton LXX 12 and dreamed, and behold a ladder fixed on the earth, whose top reached to heaven, and the angels of God >>ascended and descended<< on it.

Edgar Foster said...

Anonymous said...

Does the word really have any theological implications- don’t they all essentially mean the same thing?

Edgar Foster said...

Some might find theological significance in the potential meanings, but my concern with these verses is chiefly philological. Of course, there are different shades of meaning between ladder, stairway and ramp--plus some perceive sanctuary overtones and other themes in the account.

Duncan said...

Comes back to - what are angels? At least in this instance.

Duncan said...

In that this might be making something out of nothing -

Edgar Foster said...

Duncan, I was more focused on sullam than the angels, but I wouldn't be surprised if the scholarly consensus is that the angels here are spirit creatures. Otherwise, one might have to posit human messengers ascending and descending from above.


Edgar Foster said...

Edgar Foster said...

John 1:51