Thursday, June 06, 2024

The Reliability of Jehovah God's Spoken Word (Gary V. Smith)-Isaiah 40:8

The Hebrew text does not mention the “glory” (NIV follows the Old Greek translation here)52 of the grass or humanity that will wither and fade. Humanity's “faithfulness, dependability” 53 fades and is like the dependability of a bloom on a flower. The people who oppose God's plans will fall just like the flower petals of a rose when God comes in all his glory. In contrast to man's fading lack of dependability is the sure and totally dependable word of the Lord (40:5,8). One should not trust other people or put any hope in them, for God's promises are man's only solid and a sure source of strength (55:10-11). The contrast is clear; flowers “fall,” but God's word “will stand.” What he promises will happen.

Smith, Gary V. The New American Commentary - Isaiah 40-66: 15B (Kindle Locations 2548-2554). B&H Publishing. Kindle Edition

[Applies to the written Word too-EF]


aservantofJEHOVAH said...

Psalm Ch.68:1NKJV"Let God arise, Let His enemies be scattered; Let those also who hate Him flee before Him."

Anonymous said...

isn't there a Hebrew lingustical term for something that hasnt happened but is basically guaranteed to happen?
The prophetic perfect or something like that.