Tuesday, December 25, 2018

How Culture Directs Contemporary Exegesis (Screenshot)


JimSpace said...

Very interesting.
The Chronological Study Bible in a note on page 1060 cites a curious example: “During the English Civil War of the 17th century, for instance, the Puritan rebels against the throne identified the little horn [of Daniel 7:8] as the English king. At the same time, the royalist Sir Thomas More identified the little horn as Oliver Cromwell the Puritan leader.”

Edgar Foster said...

Good examples, Jim, and I'm sure they can be multiplied. Also compare the way that theologians of the church spoke about women with how exegesis of biblical texts concerning women generally changed after the 1960s. See https://fosterheologicalreflections.blogspot.com/2015/11/giles-discusses-ecclesiastical-view-of.html

Some of what Giles says can be disputed, but in general, I think he's right about the matter.