Thursday, March 26, 2020

The Problem of Genesis 19:24 Solved?


JimSpace said...

Great stuff. So the erudite Rabbi Abraham ibn Ezra said it was the "proximate agent" and angel who bore the Tetragrammaton here. That's one explanation.

By way of contrast, the NET Bible simply observes: "The text explicitly states that the sulfur and fire that fell on Sodom and Gomorrah was sent down from the sky by the LORD."

Either way, the Rabbi's explanation undercuts the Trinitarian abuse of scripture here.

Edgar Foster said...

Thanks, Jim. As my post implied with the ? mark, I'm not saying ibn Ezra is correct, but it just interest me, how the rabbis debated this issue without concluding one YHWH sent fire via another YHWH.

JimSpace said...

Hi there, no worries--I understood your intent. :-)

Edgar Foster said...

Thanks Jim :)