Wednesday, September 18, 2024

In Defense of the Resurrection: Verses That Speak About Being Raised from the Dead

Verses about the resurrection from the dead:

Mark 16:6; John 5:28-29; Acts 24:15; Hebrews 6:1-2; 1 Corinthians 15:1-58; Acts 17:31 Hebrews 11:19

Daniel 12:2, 13
Isaiah 26:19
Hosea 13:14
Ezekiel 37:1-14

Compare Romans 6:9; Revelation 1:18


Duncan said...

DSS Daniel - 8 scrolls with extracts from every chapter except 12

Edgar Foster said...

Yeah, that's the DSS, but Wiki says:

"The Book of Daniel is preserved in the 12-chapter Masoretic Text and in two longer Greek versions, the original Septuagint version, c. 100 BC, and the later Theodotion version from c. 2nd century AD."

See also

I have no doubt that concepts from Daniel 12 or similar thereto are reflected in the GNT.

Edgar Foster said...

Duncan said...

You have a BCE witness in Greek to chapter 12?

Duncan said...

Pg 279 - VI. Daniel The 00 text of ch. 12 is unlike the sections that we have considered previously because it has more textual differences, particularly additions, when compared to MT. These textual differences will be discussed initially under the rubric of Syntax.

A test in flux?

Duncan said...

Duncan said...

"The oldest Greek language copy of Daniel is Papyrus 967, dated to 3rd century CE."

Duncan said...

Edgar Foster said...

There is no serious reason to doubt that chapter 12 was written in the BCE period: even one link you posted confirmed this point. Also see the link above and the link does not seem to cast doubt on chapter 12 either.

Edgar Foster said...

Keep in mind that MS do wear out :-)

Edgar Foster said...

I don't support this late date for Daniel, but think it was written earlier. However, even those who practice historical-criticism don't try to locate Daniel in the CE period.

Edgar Foster said...

"Every chapter of Daniel is represented in the eight manuscripts, except for Daniel 12. Yet this does not mean that the book lacked the final chapter at Qumran, since Dan 12:10 is quoted in fragments 1-3 ii 3 - 4 a of the Florilegium (4Q174), which explicitly tells us that it is written in the book of Daniel the


Duncan said...

Duncan said...

I am sure you appreciate the gnostic nature of the supposed quote of Daniel 12:10. It also has no linkage requirements to verses before and after. So, does it confirm the contents of an early chapter 12 of Daniel? Once one removes presuppositions.

Duncan said...

As far as I can tell at the moment, THE SIBYLLINE ORACLES only use Daniel 7 & 11.

Edgar Foster said...

Sorry, but I don't find the quote to be Gnostic. Similar statements are made in other parts of Daniel and other Bible books.

Duncan said...

"Similar statements are made in other parts of Daniel and other Bible books." In the OT?

Edgar Foster said...

I was thinking of Daniel 11 and Deuteronomy 29:29.

Duncan said...

Your assumptions are putting the cart before the horse and Deut 29:29 is talking about knowledge already attained, not the promise of knowledge never attained which is the hallmark of Gnosis writings - Like Paul's sacred secret.

Even these don't demonstrate Daniel 12 & reference to 1st Enoch is highly dubious in any case.

Edgar Foster said...

It is not an assumption, but what Daniel and Deuteronomy say. There is no good reason to deny that Daniel as a whole was written in the BCE period. Much of Daniel is also mirrored in Revelation.

Granted, the Israelites had things already revealed to them, but not everything. In order to have more things revealed, they had to obey. To me, that's a non-starter. Tell me why Jehovah would reveal sacred things to unholy or wicked people.

Edgar Foster said...

It's not reasonable to expect that one would find all of Daniel amongst the DSS.

Duncan said...

What other writing in the DSS has 8 witnesses? What is your benchmark for calling it unreasonable? Nearly every other chapter has more than one witness.

Duncan said...

No, you are clearly wrong. In Deut there is no claim that the secret things will be revealed. They are not ours to know but the others are revealed.

Duncan said...

Duncan said...

Gaps? -

Edgar Foster said...

My point about the DSS is that we don't have everything that was written in those scrolls and we should not expect to have every vestige of scripture in the scrolls. They're a subset of the Jewish writings and other books are also incomplete in the DSS collection. Furthermore, the book of Daniel did not originate with the DSS.

I'm not going to argue about the things revealed point, but I thought you knew that the things revealed were once things concealed. Jehovah gradually reveals the things concealed.

Duncan said...

I am not talking about the verse level and I have already demonstrated that from the Isaiah witnesses, we have something of every chapter, and not just a verse. Your argument does not hold.

Duncan said...

"Furthermore, the book of Daniel did not originate with the DSS." - your evidence please?

Duncan said...

This is the Marcion Luke Acts issue all over again. These references tell us nothing that ties them together and even if something does it still does not prove chapter 12 as extant.

Duncan said...

Maybe Solomon was not the only gifted son of Solomon ? -

Edgar Foster said...

What about the book of Esther? Is it in the DSS? What about the fact that much of the DSS is fragmentary, so that it's hard to tell how some of the scrolls should read?

And you think the book of Daniel did not exist until the DSS? Both the Hebrew Bible and the LXX were written before the DSS. You're well aware of the late date assigned for Daniel, which would place it around 167 BCE. I don't have direct testimony for that date or earlier for Daniel, but you don't have evidence that it originated with the DSS either. Please also tell me which scholar thinks Daniel started with the DSS.

Edgar Foster said...

Why you want to exclude chapter 12 of Daniel because the chapter doesn't appear in the DSS mystifies me. That is not a good reason and there is no reason to exclude Daniel from the LXX which was completed before the CE period and likely, before the DSS. And I think you're wrong about the whole Marcion issue too.