Friday, October 04, 2024

"Bosom position"? (Screenshot for John 1:18--Keener)

 Some have criticized the NWT translating John 1:18 with "bosom position"

HCSB: "No one has ever seen God. The One and Only Son-- the One who is at the Father's side-- He has revealed Him."

Wednesday, October 02, 2024

Quote From William Most Dealing With Grammatical Gender

"In passing, sophia, wisdom, is grammatically feminine in Greek, as is also Hebrew hochmah. But to anyone with even a slight knowledge of the languages, these are purely artificial grammatical genders, and have nothing whatever to do with sex or gender. Further, Christ is the wisdom of the Father, and He is not feminine" (William Most).

While I do not advocate all or the majority of his beliefs and ideas, here is a site that contains writings by Most:

Tuesday, October 01, 2024

Words of the Month

1. Nous/νοῦς (Greek)-mind, intellect,  intelligence, reason, intelligent faculty. See

2. Corpus (Latin)-"body, entity, group of people, collection, compendium." See

3. Amad (Hebrew)-to take one's stand, stand, stand forth. See